
Showing posts from 2025

February Meeting

 This month, we volunteered at Soup4Seniors, distributing food for the elderly. Soup4Seniors is a food drive run by the Local Office of Aging (LOA) that seeks to provide older Americans with critical, shelf-stable food. They collected 46,000 pounds of food this year, reaching over 2,600 seniors! For more information, click  here.

January Meeting

This month we had the privilege of Brad Townsend as speaker. Mr. Townsend told us about his experience as a structural engineer, and answered any questions we had on the subject.  We were very grateful to Mr. Townsend for delivering a great presentation despite the snowy weather.

December Meeting

  This month, we served at Samaritan's Inn, a place for the homeless to not only nourish their bodies, but also their soul in hearing the word of God. In their words, they are 'A Ministry Feeding the Needy With Truth and Bread'. Upon arriving, we listened to a sermon. After the sermon, we helped serve food and unbox. Once everyone else left, we did various cleaning jobs and set out food for the next day.  It was a wonderful chance to serve. To learn more about Samaritan's Inn, visit  here.