Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirements for membership?
See the Applying for Membership page.

How often do we meet?
We meet once a month from September through April or May and as needed for service projects. Our regular monthly meetings are usually held on the second Friday of the month from 2:00-3:30pm at Calvary Memorial Church. First meeting for 2024-2025 TBD.
Each member is asked to invite/host a speaker and/or to coordinate a community service project in the year. When the student-appointed service project is taking place, we ask that the parent of that student also be present to chaperone and support the event.

What about the service project?
Students determine how many and what types of service projects we do based on identified needs in our community. They are responsible for coordinating the event and communicating with the group about all details associated with the project. This fosters leadership skills and growth in responsibility. Most recently we have served dinner to the homeless at the Rescue Mission, landscaped with Habitat for Humanity, aided with processing food at the Feeding America Southwest Virginia, and packed Christmas shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. The projects should be beneficial to the community, group, and/or individual and should be a positive learning experience for the honor society members.

Why did National choose Eta Sigma Alpha for the name?
In short, Eta is the Greek alphabet letter for H, Sigma is the Greek letter for S, and Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. Thus, Eta Sigma Alpha means the “first home school” honor society.

Why do we require national testing?
The testing is required to establish a standard in a totally non-standard educational environment. As Joanne Juren says,“The test scores provide an accepted method of measuring the homeschooled student’s achievement against national and standardized norms.”

Do we have to see the test scores?
The chapter sponsors take responsibility for verifying each member’s qualifications and should let parents know if there is a conflict or question. They may also have to verify each member's test scores with the Eta Sigma Alpha National Honor Society Membership Guidelines

How do we get started?
First, fill out the application and return it to the chapter sponsors (Heather Ronk and Ashley Townsend) along with a copy of the applicant's transcript, test results, character reference and application fee. Please email heather.ronk@gmail.com or amgardner@liberty.edu for more information.

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