
Showing posts from October, 2014

Induction Ceremony 2014-15

Chris Goerner spoke on where we find our value and the delusion of "ladders" we create to rank ourselves and others to evaluate academic & physical accomplishments, beauty, riches and fame. He helped us to see that in our strengths and weaknesses that we can trust God's design for our lives and appreciate the differences in one another as part of His sovereign plan.  New member Joelle Chick receives a word of blessing from her mom and dad.  New member Andrew Droubay hears a word of exhortation from Mom and Dad. Some of our members for 2014/2015 year. Thank you Taylor and Andrew for playing piano  and to Micah and Ben for speaking before the group.

Apple Gleaning Service Project - October 4, 2014

 Elizabeth Shannon thoroughly gleans an entire tree Andrew Droubay   Micah and Zeb Giraudeau help on this cold fall morning.  The fruit of our labor will go to local food banks! You'd never know it was so cold by looking at Luke's shorts