Applying for Membership

Testing update from Eta Sigma alpha National Honor society - as of 5/20/20



1. You CANNOT test at home under the supervision of a parent or guardian. An adult test supervisor may administer the test in your home, provided your parent is not in the room. You are welcome to test at another person’s home or business. This rule applies to both paper tests and online testing.
2. When submitting an application for ESA admission, include a signed statement from the test supervisor.
3. This statement must attest to the facts that the student received no help from anyone during the test and that he/she accessed no “outside materials” during the test time.
4. It must show where the test was administered, by whom the test was administered and his/her relationship to the student, and when the test was administered. Sponsors will accept these signed statements along with the proof of test score. ESA reserves the right to contact the test proctor to verify the statement.
Online Tests: IOWA, Stanford, TerraNova, SAT family of tests, CLT family of tests, or ACT family of tests.
Students still MUST have a test score to join ESA. Please follow the standards for the tests scores.

Please understand that this is an unusual time in our history. However, we must uphold the integrity of our testing policy to insure that the high standards of ESA are maintained.

UPDATED 7/2023

  • ETA SIGMA ALPHA National Homeschool Honor Society testing requirements and qualifying scores.

    UPDATED 5/20

    • A test score of 96 (CLT-11th/12th), 88 (CLT10-90th/10th), 88 (CLT8-7th/8th); 1200 (SAT), 1200 (PSAT), 1170(PSAT 10), 1090 (PSAT 8/9 for a 9th grade student), 1020 (PSAT 8/9 for an 8th grade student); 26 (ACT), 26 (Pre-ACT 10); 23 (Pre-ACT 8/9)  a 90% composite score on the Iowa ITBS or ITED);  90% on the total battery (the score listed under the National PR-S or PR column) on the Stanford; or 90% total score (listed under the NPR column) on the Terra Nova 2 (CAT 6) 2nd Edition  nationally normed standardized achievement tests is required for ESA membership. When taking the Iowa ITBS, Iowa ITED, Stanford or Terra Nova 2 (CAT 6) the complete battery including science, social studies, language arts, spelling, reading, mathematics, and vocabulary must be taken. We do not accept the basic battery or core battery for admission. The test score must come from one test. Section scores from different tests may not be combined to achieve the required test score for membership. Although some college scholarship applications accept super scoring, we do not.  All test scores must be from a single testing session; superscores are not admissible.

    1. You CANNOT test at home under the supervision of a parent or guardian. An adult test supervisor may administer the test in your home, provided your parent is not in the room. You are welcome to test at another person’s home or business. This rule applies to both paper tests and online testing.

    2. When submitting an application for ESA admission, include a signed statement from the test supervisor.

    3. This statement must attest to the facts that the student received no help from anyone during the test and that he/she accessed no “outside materials” during the test time.

    4. It must show where the test was administered, by whom the test was administered and his/her relationship to the student, and when the test was administered.

  • NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE FOR ANY ONE! Student must meet the above criteria to be admitted to ESA.
  • Test scores must not be more than 1 year old.
  • All tests must be administered in a group setting if a parent is helping with the test administration. If a group setting is not possible, a non-family member may administer the test in a one-on-one setting, as long as the parent does not have access to the test.  Parent administered tests are not acceptable.

Requirements for Membership in addition to testing as listed above. 

1.  A sincere interest in the goal of the organization to form integrity in students through four key areas: leadership, community service, networking, and scholarship.

2.  Current Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.5 or greater on a 4.0 scale.  Returning members must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 to continue in the group.

3.  Applicants should be entering high school (9th through 12th grade).  8th-grade students must already have high school or advanced coursework on their academic record to be considered for acceptance.

4.  Reflection of Christian ethics and morals, including modest dress at meetings.  We are representatives of the homeschool community and want to exemplify attitudes that are encouraging and uplifting to the community as well as leadership and a model of integrity in all pursuits in and out of honor society meetings.  Please include a letter of recommendation testifying to the applicant's character from a pastor or someone in the community other than the parent or guardian of the student.

5.  Attendance of at least half of the meetings, as well as an attempt to participate in as many service projects as possible.

6.  $25.00 application fee annually.  Please contact either chapter sponsor if a scholarship is needed in order to apply.

7. Meets Testing Requirements as listed above.

New Member Application

Returning Member Application

Please include the student's test scores, transcript, application fee, and character reference with this application.

For any additional questions about the Honor Society or membership, please contact chapter sponsors Heather Ronk at or Ashley Townsend at

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