
Showing posts from October, 2013

Induction Ceremony 2013-14

This year we inducted three new members: Andrew Phillips, Hannah Sells, and Nathan Vaughan.  Former homeshooler, Stephen Williams, spoke to the Society about intentional faithfulness and how we can make a difference in the world.  Stephen Williams Thanks to Taylor Caldwell for playing piano!

Straight Street Service Project - October 2013

On October 5th, we were guests at Straight Street, a downtown Roanoke ministry that offers at-risk teens a fun and safe place to hang out, free from noise and crowded living situations.  While there, we learned about homelessness from many angles. We met an officer from Roanoke City Police Dept. that helps to rehabilitate inmates who have recently been released.  Riding in a donated bus, used to pick up kids from the Rescue Mission to bring them to Straight Street.  We visited Wayne, a homeless man, who talked to us about his life story and encouraged us to make wise choices for our future. We brought him a pizza, some water, granola bars, and a blanket.