On April 11th, 2013, the Honor Society was privileged to have Professor Matthew Fleenor speak to the group on his job as an astronomy and physics professor at Roanoke College. Below are pictures:
In our September 2023, we inducted in four new members to the National Homeschool Honor Society: Ben Ronk, Elijah Townsend, Ella Cox, and Gideon Shiffer (new inductees not pictured: Owen Bishop and Gabriella George). After this, we elected officers for the upcoming year, with Leah Bouldin as president, Caleb Giraudeau as Vice President, Ben Ronk as Treasurer, Claire Higgins as secretary, Grace Cordle as webmaster/historian/PR chair, Elijah Townsend as parliamentarian, Madison Hare as snack/devotions coordinator. To close, we discussed plans for potential speakers and service projects for the upcoming year!
In the September meeting, we inducted two new members: Kate and Vivian Fernandez. Next, we elected officers, with Gabriella George as President, Caleb Giraudeau as Vice President, Kate Fernandez as secretary, Ben Ronk as Treasurer, Elijah Townsend as Parliamentarian, Ella Cox as Webmaster/Historian, and Gidean Shiffer as Devotions/ Snack Coordinator. Congratulations to everyone on their new positions! To close, we discussed possible speakers and service projects for the rest of the year.
In our November 2023 meeting, we had the pleasure of hearing Mr Chris Ronk speak to us about money and a wise, Biblical approach to personal finances. Mr. Ronk is the Chief Financial Officer at Carolina University and was able to share many practical pieces of advice regarding loans, budgeting, and investing. It was an engaging and helpful talk! We also inducted two new members to the Honor Society: Owen Bishop and Gabriella George.